
Polpharma European CDMO Partner & API Manufacturer since 1951 Polpharma European CDMO Partner & API Manufacturer since 1951


Company profile for Pentagon Fine Chemicals Ltd

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Pentagon creates Sustainable Chemistry Partnerships and has successfully established customers in Europe, North America and Asia for its custom manufacturing services and products. As one of the largest independent UK chemical companies, we have two production sites employing almost 200 personnel. Pentagon provides confidential collaborative process optimisation, from early stage development through to commercial production, c...
Pentagon creates Sustainable Chemistry Partnerships and has successfully established customers in Europe, North America and Asia for its custom manufacturing services and products. As one of the largest independent UK chemical companies, we have two production sites employing almost 200 personnel. Pentagon provides confidential collaborative process optimisation, from early stage development through to commercial production, complemented by an extensive offering of Grignard solutions. Expertise includes Grignard reagents (and next step synthesis), Phosgenation (in situ phosgene generation), Halogenation (bromination and chlorination), Sodium Dispersion, Sodium Hydride, and Maleic Anhydride chemistry, supported by in-house process safety testing facilities and excellence in project management.

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Pentagon Fine Chemicals Ltd
unitedkingdom_new Flag
United Kingdom
Lower Road
44 151 424 3671

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