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Company profile for Aratana Therapeutics, Inc

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Aratana Therapeutics is a pioneer in pet therapeutics focused on licensing, developing and commercializing innovative therapeutics for dogs and cats. Aratana means “new beginning” and it defines our mission of developing safe and effective therapeutics for unmet or underserved medical conditions in pets. Our goal is to provide veterinarians and pet owners with new therapeutics that are driven by science and specifically ma...
Aratana Therapeutics is a pioneer in pet therapeutics focused on licensing, developing and commercializing innovative therapeutics for dogs and cats. Aratana means “new beginning” and it defines our mission of developing safe and effective therapeutics for unmet or underserved medical conditions in pets. Our goal is to provide veterinarians and pet owners with new therapeutics that are driven by science and specifically made for pets. We believe pets are family and they deserve the best quality care. Historically, there has been a lack of resources available to develop medical treatments for pets with chronic diseases.

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Aratana Therapeutics, Inc
United_States_of_America Flag
11400 Tomahawk Creek Parkway, Suite 340 Leawood, Kansas 66211

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