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Company profile for S.C. Biofarm S.A.

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Biofarm® is one of the first medicines and dietary supplements manufacturers in Romania. For over 90 years, in joint effort with Romanian specialists, Biofarm® has been on a race to discover the best solutions for maintaining and improving people’s health. The company, founded in 1921, has focused on the development, manufacturing and marketing of strong brands and generic products. Biofarm® is currently among the top 1...
Biofarm® is one of the first medicines and dietary supplements manufacturers in Romania. For over 90 years, in joint effort with Romanian specialists, Biofarm® has been on a race to discover the best solutions for maintaining and improving people’s health. The company, founded in 1921, has focused on the development, manufacturing and marketing of strong brands and generic products. Biofarm® is currently among the top 10 pharmaceutical manufacturers in the highly dynamic and competitive Romanian market. The company is certified to the international standard EN ISO 9001:2008 and in compliance with the Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Guideline for all its production lines. Since 2005, the company’s shares have been listed within Category I on the Bucharest Stock Exchange. With its top research laboratories, modern production lines and a strong team of medical and sales representatives, Biofarm® is in top 3 Romanian manufacturers of solutions and suspensions for oral administration. Biofarm® is currently one of the most important soft gelatin capsules Romanian manufacturer, as well as one of the largest tablets and coated tablets domestic producers. Biofarm® has a competitive portfolio of over 200 products, covering 61 therapeutical areas and invests continuously in media, commercial and marketing campaigns in order to promote its products. Biofarm® has a strong position on the domestic market and aims to become an important player within the international arena as well. Biofarm® products are currently marketed in 10 countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Moldavian Republic, Mongolia, Russia, Ukraine, Hungary and the expansion continues. Launching new products and improving portfolio are key points of Biofarm®’s development strategy. In order to improve its position both on the domestic and international markets, Biofarm® will develop and launch approximately 10 products each year. Biofarm®’s development strategy includes improving its presence on the retail market, extensive training of the sales force and extension of the product portfolio. Investments in research, launching and promoting its products will continue in order to improve the company’s position on the market.

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S.C. Biofarm S.A.
Romania Flag
99 Logofatul Tautu St. District 3, Bucharest, Romania Postal code: 031212
 +40 21 301 06 00

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