
Polpharma European CDMO Partner & API Manufacturer since 1951 Polpharma European CDMO Partner & API Manufacturer since 1951


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AICELLO MILIM, was established in July 1995 as a joint venture with Aicello Chemical Co., Ltd., a general manufacturer of plastic products located in Toyohashi, Japan, and we are the only company in Korea that produces clean bottles and clean drums, which are clean plastic containers for semiconductor chemicals. Since 2009, we have contributed to the localization of the packaging materials that have been imported by produci...
AICELLO MILIM, was established in July 1995 as a joint venture with Aicello Chemical Co., Ltd., a general manufacturer of plastic products located in Toyohashi, Japan, and we are the only company in Korea that produces clean bottles and clean drums, which are clean plastic containers for semiconductor chemicals. Since 2009, we have contributed to the localization of the packaging materials that have been imported by producing the clean bags, which are clean functional packaging bags, and our technology greatly contributed to the development of the domestic electronics industry and pharmaceutical industry.

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Aicello Milim
korearepublicofnew Flag
South Korea
92, Gongdan 1-daero, Siheung-si, Gyeonggi-do

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