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List of Certificates of Suitability (CEPs) for r1_cep_2011_308___rev_00 Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) issued by the EDQM. Original Data: EDQM Database

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01 1Torrent Pharmaceuticals Limited Ahmedabad IN

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Looking for Certificates of Suitability (CEPs) for R1-CEP 2011-308 - Rev 00 of Torrent Pharmaceuticals Limited Ahmedabad In

Looking for Certificates of Suitability (CEPs) for R1-CEP 2011-308 - Rev 00 of Torrent Pharmaceuticals Limited Ahmedabad In 1


Torrent Pharmaceuticals Limited Ahmedabad In, based in India, is a pharmaceutical company that stands out with its certifications from FDA, EDQM and WHO-GMP.

They are recognized for Torrent Pharma - Not Just Healthcare But Lifecare

One of their significant offerings is Repaglinide, supported by a 'Valid' Certificate of Suitability (CEP) with the number R1-CEP 2011-308 - Rev 00

This Chemical Type CEP, issued on August 18, 2017, remains in force until January 01, 1970, ensuring its reliability within the pharmaceutical industry.

Substance Number 2135 associated with this CEP further emphasizes