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CAS 35364-15-9 manufacturers and suppliers on PharmaCompass

CAS 35364-15-9
Also known as: 35364-15-9, 1-(2-amino-5-hydroxyphenyl)-1-propanone, 1-propanone,1-(2-amino-5-hydroxyphenyl)-, Schembl459040, Bcp32212, Mfcd16877176
Molecular Formula
Molecular Weight
165.19  g/mol
InChI Key

1 2D Structure

CAS 35364-15-9

2 Identification
2.1 Computed Descriptors
2.1.1 IUPAC Name
2.1.2 InChI
2.1.3 InChI Key
2.1.4 Canonical SMILES
2.2 Synonyms
2.2.1 Depositor-Supplied Synonyms

1. 35364-15-9

2. 1-(2-amino-5-hydroxyphenyl)-1-propanone

3. 1-propanone,1-(2-amino-5-hydroxyphenyl)-

4. Schembl459040

5. Bcp32212

6. Mfcd16877176

7. Akos015890633

8. Sy316861

9. 1-(2-amino-5-hydroxyphenyl)propane-1-one

10. F70655

11. A1-05708

12. 1-propanone,1-(2-amino-5-hydroxyphenyl)-;2-amino-5-hydroxypropiophenone

2.3 Create Date
3 Chemical and Physical Properties
Molecular Weight 165.19 g/mol
Molecular Formula C9H11NO2
Hydrogen Bond Donor Count2
Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count3
Rotatable Bond Count2
Exact Mass g/mol
Monoisotopic Mass g/mol
Topological Polar Surface Area63.3
Heavy Atom Count12
Formal Charge0
Isotope Atom Count0
Defined Atom Stereocenter Count0
Undefined Atom Stereocenter Count0
Defined Bond Stereocenter Count0
Undefined Bond Stereocenter Count0
Covalently Bonded Unit Count1
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Avra Laboratories, part of Cohance Lifesciences, is one of the first companies in India to provide high-e...
Avra Laboratories, part of Cohance Lifesciences, is one of the first companies in India to provide high-end contract research and manufacturing of advanced intermediates and APIs, with expertise in oncology ADC payloads and other therapeutic areas. Avra Lab is the pioneer in the synthetic camptothecin chemistry, offering its APIs, ADC payloads and intermediates. Avra Lab is renowned for its custom synthesis services, particularly in the synthesis of complex chemicals for pharmaceutical applications. It excels in low-volume, high-value small molecule synthesis. Avra lab is also a leader in carbonylation and palladium cross-coupling chemistry.
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